65 Pounds gone forever!!

    * I am going to just get right into it.*
 I have always had to work a little harder at keeping the extra "baby fat" off growing up. Usually just eating a little more veggies and keeping up on my exercise helped and I was on merry my way.  However I learned fast that it ends up taking a little more than that.
  Soon after I was married, we made the conscious decision to go on birth control. I had tried it multiple times before, due to my endometriosis growing up and it caused me a lot of anxiety and weight gain. I thought that maybe now that I have a few years in between and hormones coming and going all the time that this time it might be a little different. NOPE,NOT THE CASE. After three months of anxiety, depression and pills to counter act what the birth control pills had started, I decided to get some help from a professional and slowly get off my medication and stop birth control right away. Once I had started to feel better, I noticed the extra 25- 30 pound weight gain. I mean, how is that even okay? Us girls have to deal with a guaranteed monthly hell no matter whatever else is going on, but when we try to lessen the pain, or prevent a pregnancy we get some awful consequences that go along with it. Maybe not in all cases, but for mine at least, that is how things went. So here I am, mentally and physically recovering. *A little side note: during those three months we had made a huge move away from family to a place neither of us had ever been to, so we were in the settling in process and I had to find a job. I ended up finding another pediatric dentist to work for and started full time. Spencer and I thought it would be good to work on a project together and start getting things into place to eventually start a family. We started by looking at homes for sale while both of us were working full time from 6am to 7pm (Spencer was the 7 pm, I came home and started cleaning and dinner around 5ish). I thought I was doing pretty well eating a little healthier and working out whenever I had some extra time, but I was so exhausted and tired all the time, I had didn't have the motivation to MAKE the time. After the craziness of house hunting and finally deciding to take on a fixer upper and fighting over price and negotiating a ton of things it was FINALLY time to close on the house and get to work on it. OK IF YOU GET STRESSED OUT THIS IS NOT THE BLOG FOR YOU. The day came to sign on this beautiful disaster and I was able to get off work early. Between leaving the office and getting home I felt like there were a few signs leaning towards buying myself a pregnancy test. A few hours later after taking a long two hour nap, I woke up to some news that changed my life forever. I FOUND A POSITIVE SIGN. I couldn't beleive it, like I am still shook just thinking back on that day. It hit me hard, I took five tests, FIVE. I was so surprised and Spencer...whoa baby was he excited. The excitement ended when we soon realized the extent of "fixing up" we had to do. I am talking a PROJECT. This place needed to be completely gutted due to 20 years of trash and animals. To make things a little worse and have most of your heads shaking...it was mine and Spencer's project. Not mine, Spencer's and the crew we hired...nope just a pregnant me who couldn't even walk into the house because of the smell and poor, poor Spencer who had no idea what amount of work was ahead of him. Want to hear something even more pitiful? We decided to live in it while fixing it up...that decision was made BEFORE the fact, a baby was on the way. Here is my guess, of course pregnancy added pounds, but with the stress of getting the house livable for a baby, having a baby and not being ready to be a mom and having those extra pounds before-hand it had caused a 90 pound weight gain. It was awful. I am not positive, but I do think it had caused complications during labor, for example, I was absorbing everything and not releasing any of it. After baby, I was so swollen. You could tell I had gained weight, but I just looked puffy. I stopped going out to eat and reducing my portions. It helped, but not like I wanted it to. I had maverick in May and started a weightloss program in September. The program helped me loose my first 20 pounds in a month and I had the momentum I needed to keep going. I decided to stop the program because I wasn't feeling the best with a newborn who had a milk protein allergy while I was on it and decided to venture off and figure it out on my own. I upped my calories for 1200 a day to 1600 a day while eating clean and intermittent fasting. I started Insanity from beach body and would make sure I was doing my workouts 3-4 times a week. Within 4 months I had lost 60 pounds. It took so much hard work and grit, but I pushed through! I was so embarrassed about my weight gain and the last thing I wanted was for anyone to know about it. Although I didn't want the recognition there were so many people who started to notice and ask me what I was doing, if I was still going and would ask to keep up with my weightloss. I decided one night that I shouldn't be embarrassed and if anything, I should share my experience with others. That night I took a before and after, a big deep breath and posted it on Facebook and Instagram. The amount of love and support was unreal! I couldn't believe how many people truly were happy and excited for me. It is a HUGE accomplishment to get your health back and at that point in time I was finally seeing what I had done. I started getting even more messages on my weightloss, so many in fact I decided to create an Instagram page focusing on it to help motivate and encourage others interested in becoming healthy. YOU GUYS, I AM STILL LOOSING WEIGHT. I have lost a total of 65 pounds and even when the scale isn't moving I can still see and feel changes every week. I am still working hard and keeping up with my instagram to keep myself in check. I am so, so grateful for this trial. It has opened my eyes and helped me to see the blessing it is to be able to have the energy to live life to its fullest. If there is anything I could say to someone out there who is thinking about starting their new health journey I would say this, "The SECOND you have just a little bit of motivation, jump on it. Get rid of all temptations, invest in yourself with that workout video, or equipment you have been wanting and just this one time, just see what happens if you don't give up. See what happens if you last a full month on that goal you have set. You CAN do it."


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