Who the heck am I?

 I am no good, very bad and awful when it comes to introductions. First dates? I had like maybe two, or three actual dates and dreaded the "so tell me about yourself...", "what your favorite duh duh duh..." LIKE CAN WE JUST SKIP THE AWKWARDNESS?! well, I have found I am the awkward one and maybe it's actually okay to get to know someone and...wait for it....ENJOY FIRST DATES. I'm married, so when I am talking about the first date, I mean like my first date with my new friend...Oh hi! it's you!
So anyway here I go, I will give it a try. 
    I am 22 years old. A millennial. No, you cannot curse my age yet because you might actually find I am worthy of your presence and if you are a fellow millennial "hey girl!", or "hey dude, what's up?".  I do just have to say one thing while we are on this topic. JUST BECAUSE I WAS BORN IN 96' DOES NOT MEAN I DIDN'T ENJOY THE GOOD OLE DAYS AND I DO HAVE RESPECT FOR THOSE WHO SHARE THE SAME RESPECT WITH ME. Thank you that is all.
    I have been married for 2 1/2 years. Why yes, I was married young, no I don't believe in divorce and I know who I am. I just happened to have my best friend show up at my doorstep and knew our best years were starting then. We have the cutest, craziest and sweetest baby boy. Maverick James McMillan had his dramatic entrance last May. He is 10 months old and I have no idea how I missed seeing this growing up with six brothers, but boys. are. busy. He is climbing things, trying to smack his head on any piece of hard surface you wish didn't exist and (his personal favorite) eating sharp, stinky, ripe pieces of sh...we should stop there before I go any further. WE ADORE THIS BOY. With our small masterpiece ( yes, I created him so I can call him that) we also have two others who claim me as their mother. Our first baby, a Kelpie named Bella Roo and our sweet, snugly boy who is a Lab retreiver mix, Rocky. 
    I love, love, love the outdoors. We love to hike, hunt and fish. I grew up on a few acres where I was lucky enough to ride my horse, learn what it means to work on a farm and love dirt. I strive and dream about the day I get to walk out on my farm after a good day of rain and just be able to smell the earth and animals I am surrounded by. The best part of my dream is (which my husband isn't quite sure about) I will be in my favorite over sized overalls and boots.  Most likely it will be running shorts and 3 day old t-shirt with whatever I find by the backdoor for shoes, but it's my dream and I will picture it how I want. 
    I suppose I should get to my why now. Why am I starting a blog? I have already started an Instagram, and I am trying out Youtube, so why am I adding this blog. Well, I have been through hell and back. Just to put it simply. But not to be mistaken with those who actually have had it way worse then me, there are some out there who really, really cannot catch a break and for those my heart goes out to you. What I went through was my own hell. Things that I thought I couldn't make it through, I did and I have learned so much. I am so grateful for all of these trials and I am finally ready to talk about and share my experiences.  
   A quick low down on my last two years to now...
My husband and I moved four times after getting married 2 1/2 years ago. I went through a good 3 month depression while trying to fight my anxiety while on birth control. I gained a little weight during that time, felt awful. We decided to buy a MAJOR fixer upper. The day we signed on that project was the day I found out I was pregnant and boy, was the a huge surprise (as you can imagine). I gained 90 pounds during that pregnancy. Lost an amazing friend a week before going into 36 hours in labor that ended in c-section and a baby in the NICU all while having the house on the market:) Maverick, our million dollar baby decided to keep up the pace and decided to have a milk protein allergy...haha just kidding, but he really did have the allergy. He was diagnosed with allergic colitis at 2 months. We didn't end up selling the house, so we are still renovating. We are all here, we are all healthy and we are all thriving this year. We are blessed and we are so loved. I lost 65 pounds and am still going. Spencer has a good job he loves. Maverick and the puppers get to play all day long and it is finally spring! Hoorayyyyyyyyy! 
    It is time I start documenting our lives before it gets any crazier. I am going out of my comfort zone and I am just going to own it. You can come along, but I am just warning you now there may be a few cusswords, a few moments of "what kind of mother are you" and a whole lotta redneckery...I mean come on guys, our theme to our wedding was classy, but trashy so that's just set the tone here. 



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