Life Update: any more babies this year?

It feels like the last eight months just flew up!
I can't believe we are at the end of August already!
Holy Smokes! Anyone else feel me?

We have done so much this year and I am so proud of our little family and the fun memories we have made along the way! It is so crazy to see the black and white difference of last year and this year. Last year was one for the books, to say the least and Spencer and I vowed to make up for it this year! We are so blessed beyond measure and grateful for all the good times and try our best to find the get  blessings during the hard times. This year we have sold our fixer upper!

 I think a lot of people become a little confused when I we tell them because we were there for less than two years. Spencer and I made the decision to buy that particular house because of the price and in all honesty that was about it. We could see the amount of work it needed and were excited for the challenge! Everything sort of hit us at once and that fixer upper soon became a nightmare. We stuck to our guns and renovated it through the mess and by the time it was all put together we were more than tired of it. We knew it was a starter home to kind of get us on our feet and when we knew we could make some money for our next home we jumped at the opportunity! Selling that house set us up for our next chapter!

 Mr. Maverick man, oh boy. I think we got one of the busiest little boys out there. This kid is always MOVING. He can't help himself either!! One minute he will be in the cupboards tossing things behind him and the next he is dragging the poor cat down the hall to go find his trucks. He is a whirlwind to say the least and no one, or no thing is safe around this place. He loves outside and his animals. His most favorite time is feeding time because he gets to go out with his rain boots, water his plants, run the dogs, feed the chickens, chase the cat and stuff everything he finds in the fire pit.

Our sweet paw babes and well those who have the feathers are bringing so much joy to our lives! Rocky and Bella are full of energy and one cannot ever be without the other. Those two will chase each other until the world ends. We recently got to spend a full day up in the mountains and Rocky was able to run around with the  birds and Bella chased rocks for literally probably threes hours straight. Our chicks are growing so fast! We started out with eight and made our way down to four. There was an eagle and owl who took full advantage of the small clearing we had in our pasture, so we found them a new area with a roof over their little noggies while they run around all ay and have open access to inside their little coop whenever they want. That has seemed to keep the Eagle away, the owl landed on our roof the other night so we have been keeping an eye out for him. We had a bit of a mouse problem here so we adopted our sweet outside barn cat, Pumpkin. She loves Maverick and those two will play for hours and hours. One of my favorite things she does is lays down in the sun and watches little Mav run around the yard. Bella wants to be pumpkins friend so bad, unfortunately feels aren't mutual. Sorry Bella girl, you come on kinda strong and the only one who appreciates your uncoordinated fast movements, is the king of clumsiness himself, Rocky.

Speaking of outside and this house full, our new home for now. We are renting a house on some acreage. We absolutely love it! It has huge pine trees, a barn, chicken coops and a huge garden. One word to describe it is peaceful. Every sunrise and sunset you will see all kinds of wildlife, in fact we usually have one really fat doe that sticks around all the time and a bunch of Turkeys. One of my most favorite things to do is sit out back in the morning for some fresh air and to see our little friends walk around. This place is a dream, for an in between house!

Soooo whats next?
Spencer and I are big into adding as much stress as we can into our lives. It sounds ridiculous right? It is. We have some big plans coming up and exciting adventures that we are still trying to get the details figured out on. For now our next step is building a more permanent home. I am still working on my weight loss and going to focus more time into my blog. Spencer will be working, working, working! We have a little side job that we expanded this summer that is coming to an end just for the season so it will be nice to have things slow down for a bit! Hunting season is coming up and if you know us then you know we live for this! I am especially excited because this year I'm not pregnant and didn't just have a baby so I get to go!

As far as adding to our family, Spence and I are all about adding the animals! We are excited because we are getting closer to being able to do some of the things we would love our whole family growing up doing! When it comes to little babies...Maverick is soo cute and we don't know if we can take anymore cuteness for right now...or maybe hes too cute and we might find ourselves just as surprised as we were two years ago! haha

Our next focus will be getting through and enjoying the holidays. It goes by so quick and we just want to be in a place where we can sit still and spend some good quality family time. Our summers are always busy, we are up working from sunrise to sunset and its great! Its good to be busy, but we really just want to take the next few months to enjoy where we are at right now. Plus my most favorite holiday is coming and so all you can expect is nothing, but pure excitement from me, witches!



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